1. I make cute kids. I may not be cute, but my kids sure as heck are! See the photographic evidence above.
2. I met my husband (pictured above, with our boys) through a mutual online friend online — in 2004! Before online dating was cool! In true “I’m totally ashamed of how we met” fashion, I hid his existence from my parents for months. But my Mom? She totally knew. Hmph, mothers.
3. I’m a wee bit obsessed with the Wizard of Oz (in case you couldn’t tell). I’m not even sure why, because I didn’t see the move in its entirety until I was adult — I was too afraid of the flying monkeys when I was a kid.
4. I have a touch of OCD (see above “hole-punch guide”) when it comes to organization and decor. My teammates will tell you that I’m not one to farm out my copying, printing, or laminating because everything has to be just so. Like rounded corners, for instance. I have to have them.
5. My youngest son and I were the same number of weeks premature (just about four) and he is totally my (skinner, because I was a fat-fat-fatty) doppleganger.
6. Bacon. That says it all.
7. I have trouble being on time, even when I leave early. For instance, it’s 1am. “Meet the Teacher” was Monday. It is now Tuesday. Oops!
8. I love laminating. The act of doing it. The act of cutting it. And all the pretty laminated things. Including borders (because I’m just that crazy).
9. I’m pretty sure I could teach second grade forever, as in I have no desire to check out the “greener pastures” in other grades. I love the standards for second grade, and the age is such a good fit for me. I’m pretty sure this means I’ve just sealed my fate of moving at some point, but we’ll see…
10. I refuse to hit “mark all as read” on BlogLovin’. REFUSE. I will read those 500 backlogged posts someday, right? Right? Again, this should be marked under “OCD tendencies.”
I’m not so sure that these were exactly “fun” things about me, but it’s 1am and this is what I got!
Now head on over and link up for Teacher Week at Blog Hoppin’!
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