This post is dedicated to Elsa Mendoza de la Mora. Elsa Mendoza de la Mora was a loving wife, mother, and friend. She was a beloved educator, colleague, and principal. The first El Paso victim to be laid to rest, Elsa was remembered by a colleague as always fighting for what she wanted, having a passion for teaching. As I reflect … (Read More...)

Leave the Eggs at Home on MLK Day (February, Too)
In a few short days we'll honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s work and memory by observing a holiday; in a few short weeks, we'll begin a month-long celebration of … (Read More...)

My Name Matters: A Challenge for All
Each year, usually in the back-to-school season, I see a trend on social media. I've heard it in conversations in the teacher's lounge and even in the Dollar Spot … (Read More...)

Community Matters: What We Can Do, TOGETHER.
Turn on the TV, browse your Facebook timeline, or scroll through Twitter... look at the faces of your colleagues and friends as they navigate conversations this … (Read More...)

High Tide, Low Tide: A Teacher’s Year
I spent this morning at the beach with my family. The sun low in the sky, its warmth just enough to remind you it's … (Read More...)

5 Reasons You Need The Reading Strategies Book
I'm excited to team up with my colleagues from the Teaching Mosaic to share with you what I've been reading this summer … (Read More...)

In Times of Challenge and Controversy, We Must Speak.
Close your eyes. Picture someone you love. Think about everything that is good about them - everything that makes you … (Read More...)

The Top 3 Reasons I Don’t Need a Lightbox
If you have an Instagram account, Twitter account, or Facebook, you've seen it. THE lightbox. The "must-have" teacher … (Read More...)