I’ve been an edublogger for almost four years now (although that term should be applied lightly as I’ve been more educator and less blogger as of late). I’ve noticed a trend: four years ago you’d see post after post about the goings-on of individual classrooms (with lots of authentic, unpolished images). Now the blogosphere and social media is filled with posts, images, and videos telling you (the reader and teacher) to do x, y, or z and why you should abandon a, b, and c.
As a teacher first and edublogger second, I have to say that I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated for new teachers, who may feel pulled in 1,000 different directions – and likely pit against the realities of their classrooms and the window dressing of social media (which the fantastic Jillian Starr talks about here). I’m frustrated for veteran teachers, who may feel like the many strategies and practices used during their successful teaching career are being called into question or labeled as “what not to do”. I’m frustrated for “in-between” teachers just hitting their stride in the profession, like myself, who now feel stuck between “what’s new” and “what’s working.”
After biting my tongue for months and scrolling on past image after image and post after post with the “you must do THIS” tone, it hit me like Monday morning on a full moon. We are, in many ways, doing to ourselves what we so ardently fight against legislators doing: making assumptions about classrooms other than our own and prescribing a one size fits all solution.
So this is my version of “you must do x, y, and z and NOT a, b, and c.”
- Not every child will learn best sitting on the floor, a wobble chair, a rocker, a yoga ball, or while standing up. Some children will learn best at a desk.
- Not every child will learn best with an iPad, or scanning a QR code, or making a video. Some children will learn best without a piece of technology in their hand.
- Not every child will learn best by completing a craftivity, doing an interactive notebook, or finishing a recording sheet in a center. Some children will learn best with just a paper and pencil.
- Not every child will learn best with a room filled from ceiling to floor with fluorescent anchor charts, laminated posters, or more bulletin board border than the teacher store. Some children will learn best with less stimulation.
- Not every child’s behavior will be managed by classroom currency, a positive clip chart (yes, even mine!), brag tags, Class Dojo, or a positive note home. Some children will need a clip chart, color system, or “old-fashioned” phone call home.
Every child, however, will learn best with a teacher that considers their needs – not the needs of the child in a classroom clear across the country viewed through the lens of Periscope, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or a blog.
If your students benefit from alternative seating? Rock on! If your students learn better by reading on an iPad? Do it! If your students are motivated by themed decorations and lots of color? Keep it!
At the end of the day, I don’t know what’s best for your classroom. I don’t know your students – or you! I can’t possibly give you better advice or insight than you can give yourself by making something your own. Do whatever is best for your students and leave the rest in your browser history.
Thank you for this! I think it's so easy to look at a picture perfect Pinterest post, (#alliteration) and think you aren't doing enough. We are all at different school and have students with different needs. Following the steps of another teacher might not work out, and that is perfectly okay!
Thank you so much! I read all the wonderful blog posts and sometimes I get caught up in the 'I wish I coulds…' but it's not right for me, or my students. So I'm getting better at moving on from that. Thanks!
Great post! I agree for sure!
I am so with you girl! This year will be 19 years in the classroom. I have my way of doing things, that work with my personality and the types of students I teach. I’m so glad you wrote this, an end edublogger…who hasn’t done much blogging I used to get so mad at myself, but I’ve learned to let it go.
Seriously this post is the best ever! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opening this door. I feel especially for the new teachers. They see all the perfect pinteresty classrooms and are fully overwhelmed..they feel like they can’t compete…even though this isn’t a competition. I love this post so much. I’ve been teaching over 20 years and see new teachers struggling because of exactly what you are saying.
Bravo!!! Wise words…. I often feel that sometimes it’s about money. New idea equals new book sales, or more in service on the new idea. Condemnation of the old and new method will mean money. I know that is pretty cynical, but having been in education for a long time I would see old ideas recycled with a new name and new book. I am all for new things that work, but I do so get tired of the condemnation of other methods that do not fit a specific mold. One size fits all is definitely not the answer.
I’ve read this post twice now, and it is spot on! Our school division’s motto is “Every child by name and by need to education.” Although there are kids that I feel get lost in the practice, I believe in this. I really do. I feel like we as educators need to find what works for EVERY kid and do our best to make it happen. Thank you for sharing your feelings.
Sarah, I saw your post on Angela Watson’s page. Thank you for your well-crafted words. It is so ironic that I would see your blog for the first time today because I wrote a piece about professional development just hours ago. If you have the time or desire, I would love your thoughts. Thank you, Laura
Here is the link: https://medium.com/teaching-in-trumps-america/staff-development-days-68a77eb903e8#.k0th7ru3l
YES! After 32 years I lost count of the methods/ materials etc. we spent hours, days and weeks getting “trained” on only to have those discarded and never mentioned again when something new and “researched based” came along. Even more ironically sometimes it was the same “consultant” who was now selling the new , one and only right way. Our own empirical knowledge was deemed worthless.
Thank you so much for this post! I’ve been feeling exactly this, especially in the past week as I’ve been preparing for a new school year. This is what I needed to hear!
I really liked your post. As a future teacher it’s nice to know that it’s okay to do these old school, if that’s what’s best for your students. It’s all about the kids not keeping up with the latest trends. I’ll definitely be remembering this when I become a teacher that one size does NOT fit all!
As a teacher candidate, a future teacher I appreciate this post. It is important to understand and know the needs of every student in the classroom and that everyone learns different. Also, what might be working for a one teacher might not work best in my class. Just remembering and keeping in mind what’s going to be best for the student is what’s most important.